Sunday, February 17, 2008

Solitude: sweet absence of faces. - Kundera

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. - Picasso

Another fortunately/unfortunately brewing here at LPCH: Unfortunately Gianni is not responding satisfactorily to the antibiotics which means she may have some sort of viral infection .. . Fortunately that means she gets her very own private room (so she can't infect any other kids). I can not tell you how much the stress level is reduced with the commiserate peace and quite. The flip side - she is in isolation, which means no play room, or day excursions to the cafeteria, or outside shenanigans. Big trade off, but one I think will benefit her in the long run. I know the solitude will benefit Tony.

She is doing better; Her electrolytes have finally been stabilized and we are now just waiting for the fever to go away and her counts to come back up. Those two exit criteria could take some time to be achieved - - - we are hopeful for mid/end of next week.

She is doing so well in fact that Tony felt comfortable enough to take a quick 24-hour (my bet is it will be less) turn around to the cabin - this is a GREAT thing. We will all be relieved to know that the cabin is still there, and he and Bruno can get the recharge that can only occur at > 3800 feet.

As I write this she is taking her nap and eating her lunch at the same time (another neat benefit of the NG tube). The picture is of her schooling a new friend on the finer art of colors.

Again I am grateful for all the good wishes, prayers, notes, gifts, and thoughts. We all feel your good energies and are truly thankful.