Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cycle 3, Day 14

She keeps on keeping on - progress is slow but most definitely sure. She is looking better and feeling stronger every day. Her electrolytes are stabilizing, she is gaining weight (nearly 0.2 kg/day, just less than 1/2 lb), and hopefully kicking the flu that landed us in the hospital in the first place. The exit criteria we are looking for include 1) no fevers, and 2) raising counts. The counts are still <0, but not to worry - when they start coming back they will come with a vengeance!

--Funny Bruno--
Patients/siblings have to be at least 5 years old to play video games in the Kid's Play Room @ LPCH.

Today when Bruno and I were rehashing the usual, "When will Gianni feel better?" routine . . .

Bruno: "Will Gianni feel better before my birthday (July)?"
Mom: "Almost, but not quite all the way; she will feel better after daddy's birthday (August)"
Bruno: "Great! That means when I turn 5 I can play video games in the playroom!"