Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cycle 03, home again

Silly Gianni, working on her posture

Well, she did it! According to Tony's calculation we are at least half way through. G'Ma and G'Pa Walker came down from Lincoln on Saturday afternoon. They stopped off at Uncle David's on the way down and picked up Mr. B. We had a fun visit and the kids were happy to play together.

Tony brought Gianni home on Sunday afternoon, he cooked us a wonderful dinner, and we all just hung. I took her and Bruno to the park in the afternoon - after a brief vomit stop for poor Gianni we had a pretty good time. I'm sure all the parents crossing the street in front of us were mortified as I threw a handful of vomit out the window . . . but there's that new paradigm again!

She is a bit tired, but all in all seems to be doing well. We'll go to the clinic this Thursday for her next bump and the associated blood work. We anticipate that she will be neutrapenic and I'm sure a transfusion is in her near future. She is in good spirits and in competition for Bruno to be the ham of the house.

Thank you for all your good wishes and prayers!