Thursday, February 7, 2008

MRI is CLEAR!!!!!

New definition of crazy hair day!

Yesterday was Gianni's day 1 of cycle 3 - we went in for her LP and MRI (both under anesthesia). She had quite a cold and a bit of a fever so Trish (our super oncologist) went to bat for us and convinced the anesthesiologist that she needed the procedures. She went thru with flying colors (her fever even went down during the procedures!) and came out of anesthesia better than ever before. Tony and I brought her home by 6:30 pm, had a big ole' pizza and switched between American Idol and the Sharks game. We are not big Shark's fans, but Uncle David took Bruno to the game so we were looking for for them in the penalty box!

Trish called us today with the blessed news that Gianni's MRI is totally clear!!! We still are dealing with all the chemo side effects . . . but if it is working, we are not complaining (much).

Today she was admitted to the satellite Lucille Packard Hospital in Mountain View (they've bought a wing of the El Camino Hospital). Very nice, quiet, private rooms, and super personal attention. We are really hoping this works out - if so we will finish out her treatments here. LPCH is also great - just seems a bit more hectic.

We've gotten so much love, support, and good wishes from everyone lately - I cannot thank you all enough. We feel everyone of y'alls good vibes. We are thinking of our family and friends back East - hoping you are all safe and sound in the midst of those crazy tornadoes.

The pictures are of Bruno and Gianni wearing the hats that my mom and Ms. Vicki made for them - Gianni's almost looks like hair!

I'll post more later in the week -