Saturday, February 2, 2008

End of Cycle 2

Happy Ground hog Day! Well its been a while since I've updated; however, no news is mostly good news so I guess this is okay.

We had a bit of a scare (and an overnight admission) a week ago Thursday, but all is well now. Gianni was still holding on to her pee (again who knew!!!!), and our oncologist was justifiably concerned. She had us admitted Thursday night to monitor Gianni and find the root cause of the pee issue. An MRI was scheduled for the following morning (to rule out the worst case possibilities) and Gianni was supposed to get a catheter to help her bladder "relax". At the last possible moment before the procedure to put in the catheter, Gianni makes a big diaper! Tony and I immediately went to bat for her to not have to get the catheter (an uncomfortable, and I am sure degrading procedure) until the following day while under anesthesia for the MRI. Doctor's agreed. Once the dam was broken, Gianni had no problems peeing and the crisis was averted; no catheter - no MRI. We still don't know what caused the delay, but most likely an infection of some sort. Regardless, all is good now.

Once we all got home together again, we promptly contracted the ICK; I don't know where this cold came from but it's been a doozy! We called today a success because everyone got out of bed for breakfast!

We've got a relaxing weekend planned to start getting us geared up for cycle 3. Georgia's birthday party for the kids and Super Bowl shenanigans for daddy. Gianni's doing really well, her ole' trouble making personality starts to shine the further she gets from the hospital.

There is a diagnostic MRI planned (she gets one after every even month of treatment) with the beginning of cycle 3. We obviously don't expect to find anything, but can't help holding our breath a bit. We will go in Wednesday for the MRI and LP, come home that night late and get ready for the admission for Cycle 3 on Thursday. Last cycle was better that the first, we can hope this one goes even easier than the last.

Bruno's been such a trooper, he gives Gianni just the right amount of brotherly love and torture - of course shes not shy about the torture part!