Gianni is our pants on fire 6 yr old. In Nov 07 she was diagnosed with a supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor (sPNET), a highly malignant, rare brain tumor. Dr. Nalin Gupta (UCSF) performed surgery to completely remove the tumor. She completed 9 mos of high dose chemotherapy with Dr. Paul Fisher/Trish Murphy, NP at Stanford's LPCH (Palo Alto, CA) in Aug 08. Today (19 Nov 2011) she is 1,464 days (4 yrs, 3 days) NED!!! [who's counting...?] Thank you for your positive thoughts!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Cycle 6, No More F&N
Gianni's home. We got the boot on Tuesday evening around 7 pm. I was in such a hurry to get out of there that I forgot to ask the nurse if her counts were high enough to forgo the evening s-h-o-t. When I called the doc back to get confirmation he said, "Listen lady, you barely made it outta here by the skin of your teeth, don't push it!". Gianni got the s-h-o-t, and we are more than happy to all be home together again!