Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cycle 6, Finally an Update!

True to form, our predictive capabilities are scary! Gianni was back in the hospital on Friday afternoon with a fever. The Carboplatin seemed to have worked; Tony clocked her with a 103-deg F after her nap. . . bummer. She did have a great week between the 1st dose of round 6 and this admit - she kept us on our toes (ref: Spider Gianni, Bongo Bonanza, Playdate with Jes & Bruno).

We know that the safest place for her is LPCH, and we got her in through the clinic and into her own bed on the newly opened 1 North in record time. She did have some sort of urinary infection - the labs never quite resolved what it was but the symptoms were undeniable - poor thing. During her stay she's received lots of antibiotics, two RBC transfusions, and one platelet transfusion. She, being the ultimate trooper, has taken the whole admit in stride and continues to charm the LPCH staff. She keeps a near-life sized Sponge Bob Squarepants, given to her by her childlife friend Courtney last week, near by at all times - really cute. Not to be slowed down, she has been sighted tearing through the hospital in nothing but a tank tee, a diaper, and some crazy socks. She drags her wagon everywhere and I think we've single handedly moved the vending machine company into a new tax bracket (we love yummy Ms). As we wait for her counts to rise, she looks great, and has so much energy the nurses and docs all seem a bit incredulous that she had to be here at all. The talk around the floor today is that she is "outta here" either tonight or first thing tomorrow morning.

Tony and I (mostly Tony) were able to swing keeping Bruno with us by alternating nights and leaning on our good friends Auntie Jen and Uncle Timmy. We all celebrated Mother's Day together (that was great) and are looking forward to a few good weeks at home. So all in all no complaints.

--- Funny Bruno ---
[per Auntie Jen] While teaching his friend Jessica how to make wishes on dandelions, Bruno's wish was for Gianni to not be sick anymore.