Thursday, March 27, 2008


Gianni & Jessica tag team the Easter Bunny
So the BIG NEWS is that the MRI came back clean!

Everything else is (as Gianni would say, "totally") insignificant. We've had a mixed bag of ups and mid-points re the NG tube - it just keeps coming out! Tony has become quite the NG installer though - will wonders never cease? It freaks us both out (actually probably all 3 of us!) to have to put it back in, but it could save a trip to the hospital so we've been ponying up.

Easter was also big fun, the Easter bunny came and hid dozens of (plastic) eggs all over the house. Gianni's were filled with "Littlest Pet Shop" critters and Bruno's were filled with "Hot Wheels". Gianni and I hit the Brisbane Rotary Club's Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday afternoon with Auntie Jen & Uncle Timmy. Gianni and Jessica cleaned up. I have more hard boiled eggs than I know what to do with - yuck.

Big sis Elly, Mamma Deb, Boss, and Georgia came over later in the afternoon to spend a few hours just hanging out. Plus, whenever Debbie stops by you just never know when a hair cut might happen (Bruno got his shaped up a bit, right on the deck!).

Fun time had by all. We missed Easter dinner (Gianni's NG came out and we had to deal with that . . . ), but overall it was a nice weekend at home. We popped into the clinic on Monday morning to have the NG put back in (not so much fun). But she did not have to get accessed or do labs - we covered all that just before her MRI on Tuesday (counts had dropped but were still okay).

Back at LPCH on Tuesday for the MRI - the procedure went smoothly AND she came out of the anesthesia much more calmly than before.

Trish (our NP) told us the good news re: the MRI results this morning (yeah) - we still have a long haul, its a marathon and all that, but great news is still GREAT news!

We start round 5 next Wednesday.

We are thankful for all of your thoughts and prayers!