Gianni has been a busy girl this week; we had a really great visit with Auntie Amanda and the weekend "off" was an unbelievable treat. The girls weekend was just as advertised, a lot of ice cream, catching up, shopping, some fine dining, and all around girl time. The boys came back a little early and made an amazing BBQ feast for us, Aunti Jen, Uncle Timmy, and Jes. Yum. Gianni has been playing hard, eating on her own a bit, and keeping her own. Tony took Bruno with him to work (i.e., Santa Cruz) on Monday so the boys have had their fun too.
Every day this week has been better than the last; it is so tempting to just keep her home.
Monday's clinic went well, Gianni's port had been acting up so the nurses put in a dose of TPA, an anticoagulant to help break down some of the build up that was blocking access. The TPA worked like a charm and she is ready for action. The first course of action was a RBC transfusion yesterday (Tuesday). When our oncologists called Tuesday morning to tell us that her hemoglobin was low and a transfusion was necessary I was in the midst of telling her to slow down, and stop running in the house! Hard to believe how resilient this little girl is!
The pet fish have not fared quite as well - I think I'll stick to gardening.
Today is the lumbar puncture - tomorrow is the admission for chemo at PEC. We are as ready as we can be and she will be going in the round very strong.
The pictures are of Bruno at work with daddy, and Gianni working out the finer mechanics of my cell phone. She already knows how to take pictures, text, and phone home - I should take lessons!