Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cycle 4, Day 7

Funny Bunny
First things first, no news has definitely been good news. Gianni is doing great.

The lumbar puncture was last Wednesday; the procedure went as expected but the anesthesia was trouble again. She comes out very agitated and upset, we'll have to work on that a bit more. We spent Wednesday night at home, had a nice dinner, rested, and prepared for the big admit.

We arrived at PEC Thursday afternoon and got settled in right away. She had a little bump on Thursday night wrt to her NG tube; nothing "we" couldn't handle. Our oncologists reduced the dosage of another one of her chemo drugs, cisplatin - that's the drug that effects her hearing. We've been taking her to an audiologist to make sure we have a good baseline and now that the higher frequencies are being effected, they've decided to pull back a bit. That little break has made a huge difference in her spunkiness level, she is truly feeling like her old self (as old as a newly turned three old can be!). [Please, all KNOCK ON WOOD...!]

The PEC was great; quiet, attentive staff, and we were out of there by Saturday night. She's been through this enough times to now know what is coming and she asks to go 'home' almost as soon as we get there . . . she is referring to the cabin, not the B'bane house (talk about getting straight to her daddy's heart!). All in all she is THE trooper.

The nightly shot is back; a bit of a bummer for all, but another small price to pay. She is regaining her appetite, sense of humor, and zest for trouble.

G'Ma and G'Pa Walker came to dinner on Sunday [Tony prepared the celebratory BBQ feast]. Uncle David's happens to be "on the way" from Lincoln so Bruno gets a lift home and first dibs on the Easter baskets that weighed down the trunk of Grandpa's car. Too fun; and I even got an Easter Pumpkin Pie . . . yes, Easter (!) any excuse for G'Ma's pumpkin pie!

We took Gianni to clinic last Monday, just a quick in and out for bloodwork (which by the way, confirmed our confidence in her levels). We'll get back into the regular routine (Mon and Thursday clinics [chemo for the next 3 Thurs]) and hope we stay out of the hospital this cycle. The next big milestone is the post cycle 4 MRI.

Much appreciation to all of you, we are grateful for your thoughts, prayers, and wishes. They really matter to us and we gain strength from y'all (I can say that, being from KY).