Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Father's Day and LP is neagtive = )

Happy Father's Day to all our dads!

We celebrated a fun Father's Day at the cabin; bundled the kids out of bed real early on Saturday and came back late Sunday night. We packed as much as we could in those 36 hours though! Lots of the regular bubbles, hanging in the club house (Airstream trailer), amazing dinner on the BBQ, music night, movie night, popcorn, watering flowers, boccie ball, pirate ship... you get the gist. We all had a really great time.

Monday was Gianni's ultrasound to check out her bladder - all is well.

Tuesday she had her lumbar puncture with the 1st dose of Cycle 7 chemo. The procedure went well and for the first time every she came out of the anesthesia like she was waking from a nap. Tony and I were just incredulous, it was great. She opened her eyes, sat up (with some help) and asked to go home - that was it. Amazing - complete opposite of what has happened in the past.

The LP came back negative!

Wednesday (yesterday morning) we admitted her at PEC for the rest of her chemo. By early afternoon she started having severe headaches and vomiting, most likely a result of the chemo from Tuesday - miserable to see her in pain but by late evening the docs had found the right mix of Tylenol, Adavan, and morphine to help her rest and manage the pain. Tony and I will be switching off nights; Tony has the lion's share of the days. We hope to be home by Saturday afternoon.

Bruno is toughing this one out with us with help from Auntie Jen (she took him swimming yesterday). He "graduates" from pre-school on Saturday.

Thanks to all for your love, support, good wishes, and just checking in on our Gianni!