Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gearing up for Cycle 6

Looks like we won't get off totally scott free this cycle - Our NO called today to let us know that Gianni will be getting a replacement drug for the Cisplatin we dropped last cycle. The new drug is called Carboplatin and is in the same family but has less effect on her hearing. Her hearing test results show that she is holding pretty steady with just a little additional loss in the higher frequencies than last month - and mostly just the right ear. The addition of the new drug is a stark reminder of how thin the line is that we are balancing; she needs enough "medicine" to obliterate the cancer but not so much that she looses significant quality of life. We can not afford to back off. It is an insane way to think, an impossible trade. It is a tough choice to make, especially since she is feeling so good - I am grateful for the experience and judgment of Dr. Fisher, Trish, and all the others who have made it their life's work to make these calls. The addition of the Carboplatin will not significantly affect our schedule, so we are still hoping for the one night stay (home on Friday) with a short trip to the day hospital Saturday.

Because she will be under anesthesia tomorrow she's required to be NPO (nil per os, nothing by mouth or NG I guess) after midnight tonight so I am just waiting to turn off her pump before going to bed. We have an early day tomorrow. Her LP is the 1st procedure of the day at 7:30 am. I like that schedule the best - we don't have to withhold food and water from her all day and when you are first there's rarely any waiting. I'll bundle her up around 5:15 a.m. to head to LPCH and before we know it Tony will be chauffeuring her back home in time for lunch.

Gearing up for cycle six . . . !