Sunday, April 6, 2008

Cycle 5, Day 5

One of G'Pa's girls, out on the town.

We're baaaack . . . home that is! Gianni did just great - Tony brought her to PEC on Thursday around lunchtime and we were out of there by Friday afternoon. Gianni and I hiked back to LPCH Saturday afternoon, stayed for a couple of hours and had dinner at home.

She's doing well enough that Tony and Bruno were able to go up to the cabin this weekend to take care of some Mountain business. G'Ma and G'Pa still came to visit Gianni and me today (sans Bruno of course). We had big fun - they brought the kids a giant bag of Spring/Summer clothes and of course the obligatory Pumpkin Pie! We all had a nice lunch out (no BBQ - I don't have 1/10th of Tony's culinary skills and the in-laws are wise enough not to test me!), and a quiet visit over pie at home.

Gianni and I hit the B'bane hills for an afternoon hike/stroll and she is now in deep hibernation.

We're off for labs tomorrow; we will be bracing ourselves for the inevitable neutropenia and associated perils (eff N en.... won't even type the initials for fear of retribution).

She looks tired and we have to stay on top of her anti-nausea meds but she has been into all kinds of trouble, I can tell she feels better than she has in a while. The picture is of her at lunch today wearing the some of her new duds, including the beautiful hat and matching purse. The socks are from St. Patrick's Day . . . I have to wash them at night and sneak them back on her before she wakes up, she loves them so. In the picture she looks exactly like my Grandma Austin, and in real life she was as cute as a button.

Her term of endearment: "Mommy/Daddy, me love you."