Friday, August 1, 2008

Cycle 8, Day 12

Super Heros

Clinic and day hospital went well, however to quote Gianni, [as we walked in the house at the end of the day] "Whew, what a day! Sometimes I go to the hospital and it makes me sooooo sleepy!"

She's still neutrapenic (read: still needs nightly shot), she needed both RBCs and platelets (read: 6 hour day hospital visit), and for the cherry on top ... her gut infection (C-diff) is back (read: no big deal just more antibiotics and kind of a bummer). But all in all the day was fun. I love having the solid one-on-one time with her and knowing how close we are to the end of this treatment phase makes all the bureaucratic stuff seem just not as frustrating.

Brisbane has "Friday Music Night at the Park" so her and I swung by before we came home. I figured she's about as tanked up as she's gonna get and she had TONS of energy. I had to keep her away from the other kids but we enjoyed walking around the park and just watching all the neighbors "shake their booties!"

The pictures from a few weeks ago, but its a good one.