The words are hard to type... it's really cycle 8! To torture us, the folks at LPCH have had to delay our start date from today (Wednesday) to Monday. Lots of reasons - a small contribution having to do with her health (still trying to clear up the UTI) and a larger contribution due to scheduling. Lots of sick kids at LPCH and PEC this week. So rather than throw the dice and wait for a potentially late Friday night admit; we've decided to start the whole boogy on Monday morning with a guaranteed room at PEC on Tuesday. This will push her "final" chemo administration to the 1st week of August and the official end of cycle 8 just in time for Tony's birthday (now how are we supposed to top that gift!).
She's doing well - well enough to have collected a whole cadre of 'regular' kid bumps, scrapes, and bruises from running too fast, playing too hard, and pushing her limits. Its grand.