Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Cycle 2, Day 1

Gianni and mommy at the P-A-R-K

Today was a big day. Gianni's surgery was scheduled for 7:30 am this morning - good because she doesn't have to fast all day - bad because she and mommy had to get up at the crack of dawn to be in admissions by 6:00 am. She was a TROOPER! She slept during the car ride to Stanford, helped the nurses with her vitals, and even entertained mom with a little SpongeBob dance. Of course I had to be Patrick, what's up with that?!?!?

Gianni was taken to surgery promptly at 7:25 am; she got her new port and the first chemo dose of cycle 2. The first dose is administered into the spine (lumbar puncture, or LP) and therefore requires Gianni to be under anesthesia. She had had a pretty rough time coming out of anesthesia today but once she was able to calm down, all was well. Her new port looks good, we'll see how that transition occurs over the next few days. The diagnostic results of the LP will be available tomorrow or Thursday.

She ate about six packages of crackers (Saltines) and another six packages of "cookies" (graham crackers) in the car on the way home . . . what an adorable MESS. . . . at least it wasn't in bed! She had some cheese and two big bowls of ice cream once we got to the house. Lunch of champions.

We will be admitted tomorrow sometime and be at LPCH for 3 - 4 days.

Bruno is looking forward to being spoiled by Uncle David and Auntie Patricia.

We love you all, thanks for the good thoughts, prayers, and wishes.