Not sure why I've been slow on the updates, I guess I've been waiting for this one; her MRI yesterday came back clear. She looks perfect.
Our Super NP, Trish once again went through heroic hoops to get us this news before the weekend (she's not even in town)! This is the first post-treatment MRI . . . 3 whole months with no chemo, does this ever get easier?
It has been just over 1-year since her diagnosis (Nov 14th) and surgery (Nov 16th).
For most likely obvious reasons, this was a difficult milestone (made completely joyous by previously mentioned news!). Our thoughts, daily activities, and small moments are all punctuated with that niggly little feeling in the back of our minds. For now, and especially for this upcoming season of thanksgiving we will rest easy. I went to USCF last Monday to personally thank her neurosurgeon, Dr. Gupta again. I had not anticipated an emotional reunion (and for him I am sure it was not, afterall there are 100s of us and only one of him), but there I was, a puddle holding a bottle of wine and some hand-crafted (by G'pa Walker) wine stops, in the middle of the Neuro surgery waiting room. Wierd. I do remember last year asking him who carved the turkey at his house (he checked in on us on Thansgiving morning in the PICU), and thinking that was an incredibly funny joke...
We've had some great weekends at the cabin, quality time with family and friends - and to save 1,000 words:
Disney with G'ma and G'pa Austin in Oct
Cabin Fun with the Trog's
Preparing for Thanksgiving, Gianni's Birthday, AND her "Make-A-Wish" trip to Disneyland (and all this before Christmas)! Kids are both doing great- Gianni started physical therapy this week (finally) and looks like she is in good shape. They will work with her to strengthen her ankles and better her balance but all-in-all she is just a bit behind on some minor milestones.
She's had only one clinic visit and that went well - one of the best accesses yet. Her Magnesium is still low so we've tacked that one supplement back on - but going from the multitude to one small dose usually hidden in a cup of root beer is no sweat.
We are so grateful for all of you everywhere sending her and us your good thoughts and prayers. Thank You.